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Recruitment for projects_July 2022_Announced 20.04.2022

Supplementary recruitment for projects 2022_Announced 26.09.2022

The recruitment announcement for projects (in Polish: download)
Attachment no 1 to the recruitment announcement – List of research topics (in Polish: download, in English: topics below)
Attachment no 2 to the recruitment announcement – Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations (in Polish: download, in English: schedule below)

Research topic: “Superconductivity in Hybrids of Magnets and Metals” (details PL/ENG), PRELUDIUM BIS 3
Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. Ipsita Mandal- Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN

Application documents

  • Recruitment application form with list of attachments (in Polish: download)
  • The signed RODO clause should be attached to the application form (download)

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and method of submitting applications

Submitting recruitment application:

  1. Traditional poste – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków from 04.10.2022 to 06.10.2022
  2. ePUAPfrom 04.10.2022 to 06.10.2022; the originals of the documents sent by ePUAP should be presented to the KISD secretariat to confirm compliance with the original, no later than the qualifying examination date;
  3. In person – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, at the KISD secretary office (building no 5, ground floor, room. 5224) from 04.10.2022 to 06.10.2022, opening hours 9.00am – 2.00pm.
Formal verification of applications:till 14.10.2022
Announcement of a detailed schedule of exams for applicants:till 17.102022
Exams for applicants to KISD (any possible changes should be posted at the school’s website)18.10.2022
Publication of ranking lists:till 24.10.2022
Publication of the list of PhD students:till 25.10.2022
Deadline for submitting the declaration on not undertaking training in any other PhD School:till 01.11.2022
Announcement of supplementary recruitmenttill 20.12.2022

Scope of the examinations

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations


Supplementary recruitment for projects 2022_Announced 22.07.2022

Ranking lists

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. Ipsita Mandal

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 2_Candidate for a supervisor: prof. dr hab. Janusz Chwastowski

Exam schedule

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. Ipsita Mandal

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 2_Candidate for a supervisor: prof. dr hab. Janusz Chwastowski

The recruitment announcement for projects (in Polish: download)
Attachment no 1 to the recruitment announcement – List of research topics (in Polish: download, in English: topics below)
Attachment no 2 to the recruitment announcement – Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations (in Polish: download, in English: schedule below)

Research topics

NoResearch topicsCandidate for a supervisor:KISD unit
1Superconductivity in Hybrids of Magnets and
Metals (details)
dr hab. Ipsita MandalIFJ PAN
2Proton diffraction at high energies (details)prof. dr hab. Janusz ChwastowskiIFJ PAN
3Developments for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade at HL-LHC and evaluation of the potential for measurement VBF H->WW at HL-LHC. (details)dr hab. Ewa StaneckaIFJ PAN
4Legacy of airborne particulate contaminaton on Norwegian Glaciers (details)dr hab. inż. Edyta ŁokasIFJ PAN

Application documents

  • Recruitment application form with list of attachments (in Polish: download)
  • The signed RODO clause should be attached to the application form (download)

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and method of submitting applications

Submitting recruitment application:

  1. Traditional poste – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków from 22.08.2022 to 26.08.2022
  2. ePUAPfrom 22.08.2022 to 26.08.2022; the originals of the documents sent by ePUAP should be presented to the KISD secretariat to confirm compliance with the original, no later than the qualifying examination date;
  3. In person – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, at the KISD secretary office (building no 5, ground floor, room. 5224) from 22.08.2022 to 26.08.2022., opening hours 9.00am – 2.00pm.
Formal verification of applications:till 07.09.2022
Announcement of a detailed schedule of exams for applicants:till 09.09.2022
Exams for applicants to KISD (any possible changes should be posted at the school’s website)12.09.2022-15.09.2022
Publication of ranking lists:till 19.09.2022
Publication of the list of PhD students:till 21.09.2022
Deadline for submitting the declaration on not undertaking training in any other PhD School:till 28.09.2022
Announcement of supplementary recruitmenttill 28.10.2022

Scope of the examinations

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations


Recruitment for projects_July 2022_Announced 20.04.2022

List of admissions


Ranking lists

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. Ipsita Mandal

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 2_Candidate for a supervisor: prof. dr hab. Janusz Chwastowski

IF PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Kreiner

Exam schedule

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. Ipsita Mandal

IFJ PAN– Research topic no 2_Candidate for a supervisor: prof. dr hab. Janusz Chwastowski

IF PAN– Research topic no 1_Candidate for a supervisor: dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Kreiner

The recruitment announcement for projects (in Polish: download)
Attachment no 1 to the recruitment announcement – List of research topics (in Polish: download)
Attachment no 2 to the recruitment announcement – Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations (in Polish: download)

Research topics

NoResearch topicsCandidate for a supervisor:KISD unit
1Superconductivity in Hybrids of Magnets and
Metals (details)
dr hab. Ipsita MandalIFJ PAN
2Proton diffraction at high energies (details)prof. dr hab. Janusz ChwastowskiIFJ PAN
3Developments for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade at HL-LHC and evaluation of the potential for measurement VBF H->WW at HL-LHC. (details)dr hab. Ewa StaneckaIFJ PAN
4Legacy of airborne particulate contaminaton on Norwegian Glaciers (details)dr hab. inż. Edyta ŁokasIFJ PAN

NrResearch topicsCandidate for a supervisor:KISD unit
1Graphene-based approach targeting the prion-like propagation of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease. (details)dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz KreinerIF PAN

Application documents

  • Recruitment application form with list of attachments (in Polish: download)
  • The signed RODO clause should be attached to the application form (download)

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and method of submitting applications

Submitting recruitment application:

  1. Traditional poste – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków from 20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022
  2. ePUAPfrom 20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022; the originals of the documents sent by ePUAP should be presented to the KISD secretariat to confirm compliance with the original, no later than the qualifying examination date;
  3. In person – address: Krakowska Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska, Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, at the KISD secretary office (building no 5, ground floor, room. 5224) from 20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022., opening hours 9.00am – 2.00pm.
Formal verification of applications:till 04.07.2022
Announcement of a detailed schedule of exams for applicants:till 06.07.2022
Exams for applicants to KISD (any possible changes should be posted at the school’s website)11.07.2022-14.07.2022
Publication of ranking lists:till 18.07.2022
Publication of the list of PhD students:till 20.07.2022
Deadline for submitting the declaration on not undertaking training in any other PhD School:till 27.07.2022
Announcement of supplementary recruitmenttill 03.08.2022

Scope of the examinations

Schedule of the recruitment procedure and scope of the examinations
