The Krakow Interdisciplinary Doctoral School received funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange, NAWA, under the STER program – Internationalization of Doctoral Schools, 2023 edition. The project “Kraków Interdisciplinary Doctoral School – beyond the horizon through cooperation, internationalization and interdisciplinarity” received funding in the amount of PLN 2,000,000.00 and will be implemented over a period of 3 years from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.
The main goal of the STER program is to support internationalization in doctoral schools through:
- improving the quality of education in doctoral schools and the quality of research conducted by doctoral students by using international experience in this field;
- increasing the international mobility of doctoral students;
- developing internationalization activities “at home”;
- supporting long-term international cooperation of doctoral schools;
- acquiring foreign doctoral students and supervisors from abroad;
- scholarship support for foreign doctoral students and doctoral students from Poland implementing doctoral projects in international cooperation.
Project activities:
1. Payment of scholarships for the best foreign doctoral students and for the best doctoral students from Poland implementing doctoral projects in international cooperation as part of an international doctoral program, in particular aimed at obtaining a joint degree or double degree. Payment of the scholarship after approval of the individual research plan; payment is conditional on the scholarship holder’s stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland, excluding the period of mobility financed under the project in accordance with point 2; |
- Regulations on the payment of scholarships for the best KISD doctoral students implementing doctoral projects in international cooperation as part of an international doctoral program, in particular aimed at obtaining a joint degree or double degree
- Payment of the NAWA scholarship for the best KISD doctoral students implementing doctoral projects in international cooperation – Call for applications
2. support for the foreign mobility of the best doctoral students from Poland and abroad pursuing their education at KISD |
- Regulations for supporting foreign mobility- STER program – internationalization of doctoral schools, 2023 Edition (PL)
- Foreign mobility- STER programme at KISD, 2023 Edition– Calls for applications
Applicants are informed about the results by e-mail.
3. developing activities related to internationalization “at home” |
A. Guest lectures for KISD PhD students
- Regulations for conducting guest lectures- STER program – internationalization of doctoral schools, 2023 Edition (PL)
- Organising visits of foreign lecturers who conduct guest classes for KISD doctoral students- Call for appliacation
- Guest lectures for KISD PhD students– description of lectures
B. Training for KISD doctoral students
Training courses for KISD PhD students
C. Training for supervisors at KISD
Training courses for supervisors
D. KISD PhD student conference
4. activities related to the development of international cooperation of doctoral schools |
- European School for Young Materials Scientists 2024, Dresden, Germany, 04.11.2024-07.11.2024
5. activities related to acquiring foreign doctoral students |
- KISD – STER promotional bookmark, 2023 edition
- KISD – activities in the STER program, edition 2023_PL
- KISD – activities in the STER program, edition 2023_ENG
- KISD – one-sided leaflet, 2023 edition
6. additional activities related to substantive management of the Project |