Announcement on organizing stays of foreign visiting professors, supervisors and auxiliary supervisors, conducting teaching classes or guest lectures in English for KISD doctoral students, as part of the STER program – Internationalization of Doctoral Schools, 2023 edition
Conditions for organizing the lecturer’s stay:
- The stay in Poland should last 7 days or 14 days. The project provides for the possibility of organizing one 14-day stay and three 7-day stays each year.
- During his stay in Poland, the foreign guest undertakes to conduct classes, including, for example, lectures, workshops, consultations for PhD students of KISD in English on general topics of scientific disciplines in which education is provided at KISD or on specialized topics for a given scientific discipline.
- The duration of classes is 12 teaching hours (one teaching hour is 45 minutes) – in the case of arrival for 14 days or 6 teaching hours – in the case of arrival for 7 days.
- Applications of candidates for the visit should be sent to the Director of KISD (kisd@ifj.edu.pl), after prior approval of the relevant Deputy Director of KISD on the form which constitutes Annex 1 to the announcement; Applications are prepared by academic staff from KISD units who invite foreign lecturers.
- Travel and stay costs are settled in PLN based on actual expenses, i.e. accommodation based on the bill/invoice, travel costs based on the most economical means of transport up to PLN 3,000.00, plus allowance.
- The arrival is settled according to the rules applicable at IFJ PAN, taking into account the regulations of the STER program – internationalization of doctoral schools and the provisions of the project.
- Applications are considered in the order in which they are received and until the planned number of arrivals for a given year is reached.