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Recruitment for a project- IFJ PAN

The field of natural sciences, the discipline of physical sciences

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Current recruitment procedures for projects:

Recruitment procedure for the research topic (details of the procedure at the link)Candidate for doctoral supervisorCall for applicationsDate of recruitment announcement
Searching for TeV emission from gamma-ray binariesdr hab. Sabrina Casanova23.06.2025-27.06.202517.02.2025
ldentification of cytoskeletal components responsible for mechanics and rheology in pancreatic cancersprof. dr hab. Małgorzata Lekka05.05.2025-08.05.202513.01.2025
Recruitment completed
Galvanic replacement reaction mechanism in hollow nanoparticles studied by liquid-cell in-situ transmission electron and scanning X-ray microscopiesprof. dr hab.
Magdalena Parlińska-Wojtan
Role of the light front wave function in quarkonium productiondr hab. Wolfgang Schäfer, dr hab. Agnieszka Łuszczak26.08.2024-30.08.202426.07.2024
The effect of a local electromagnetic field enhancement in the study of membrane vesicles using the AFM-IR techniquedr hab. Katarzyna Pogoda26.08.2024-30.08.202426.07.2024
Production and decays of light mesons in proton-proton collisions at 4.5 GeV with the HADES spectrometerdr hab. Izabela Ciepał24.06.2024-28.06.202424.05.2024
Study of the structure of nuclides from the A~40,70 mass regions using heavy ion beams and coincident measurements of gamma radiation and reaction products. Development of a heavy ion detecting system, based on SiPM technology, for the recoil filter detector applied in these experimentsdr hab. Piotr Bednarczyk24.06.2024-28.06.202421.05.2024
Scattering Neutrinos on Atoms In the LHCdr hab. Richard Ruiz24.06.2024-28.06.202409.05.2024
Studies of the electronic structure of aggregates between metal nanoparticles and metal oxide nanoparticles, amyloid beta peptides (with and without the presence of
human S100B protein) or human cystatin C using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Kwiatek22.01.2024-24.01.202422.12.2023
High-resolution, correlative imaging of endothelial cells in the nichedr hab. Bartłomiej Zapotoczny02.01.2024-08.01.202427.10.2023
Studies of photon–photon interactions using Run 3 LHC datadr hab. Marcin Wolter21.08.2023-25.08.202321.07.2023
Developments for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade at HL-LHC and evaluation of the potential for measurement VBF H->WW at HL-LHCdr hab. inż. Ewa Stanecka21.08.2023-25.08.202321.07.2023
Studies of the electronic structure of aggregates between metal nanoparticles and metal oxide nanoparticles, amyloid beta peptides (with and without the presence of
human S100B protein) or human cystatin C using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Kwiatek21.08.2023-25.08.202321.07.2023
The P-ONE experiment: analysis of first datadr hab. Paweł Malecki19.06.2023- 23.06.202318.05.2023
Developing new methods of analysis of data from the Pierre Auger Observatorydr hab. Jan Pękala19.06.2023- 23.06.202318.05.2023
Legacy of airborne particulate contaminaton on Norwegian Glaciersdr hab. inż. Edyta Łokas19.06.2023- 23.06.202318.05.2023
Photon induced processes – from phenomenology to the ATLAS experimentdr hab. Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda19.06.2023- 23.06.202319.05.2023