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Research topics – IF PAN-2025/2026

The field of medical and health sciences, the discipline of medical sciences

List of research topics with details in Polish and English:

No.Research topicCandidate for doctoral supervisor
1Evaluation of the role of FPR2 receptors in modulating blood-brain barrier properties in the course of physiological ageing and Alzheimer’s disease. (details)Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Basta-Kaim
2Neuronal mechanisms underlying vulnerability to age-related cognitive decline (details)Prof. dr hab. Jan Rodriguez Parkitna
3Semaglutide and neurodevelopment: assessing the risk of prenatal exposure to a drug used in diabetes and obesity therapy (details)Dr hab. Agnieszka Wnuk
4lnvestigation of the role of the transcription factor Creb1 in the serotonergic neurons towards the mechanism of action of selected antidepressants (details)Dr hab. Grzegorz Kreiner