General information
- Training at KISD lasts 8 semesters (in exceptional situations resulting from the specificity of a given doctoral dissertation, it may last 6 semesters)
- Training at KISD enables the PhD students to achieve learning outcomes corresponding to the qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework for the discipline or disciplines with in which a doctoral dissertation is under preparation
- The PhD School develops general skills, including those falling outside of the scope of the discipline of the doctorate,as well asspecialist and soft skills
- Training at the PhD School shall be provided in the form of:
- individual training,
- student participation in conferences and scientific internships,
- vocational training,
- preparation of scientific papers and a doctoral dissertation by a PhD student
- Individual training is based on joint classes provided by the PhD School and conducted in the Polish or English language, encompassing general and specialist lectures, seminars, and recitation and laboratory classes as well as training in the scope of soft and teaching skills
- Within 12 months of starting doctoral training a PhD School student is obliged to prepare an individual research proposal
- Individual research proposal specifies the date of submission of the doctoral dissertation
- At the end of each year of training a PhD School student is obliged to submit an annual report to the competent PhD School Deputy Director
- The settlement of a PhD student’s progress shall be carried out on an annual basis
- The PhD School students undergo a mid-term evaluation after completing the second year of training
- A negative result of a mid-term evaluation shall result in removal from the list of the PhD School students
- Training at KISD ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation
Choice of courses at KISD
During training at the PhD School (the entire period of education), a PhD student is obliged to complete courses included in the relevant training modules:
- general module, minimum 40 hours
- interdisciplinary module, minimum 20 hours
- specialist module, minimum 60 hours
- soft skills module, minimum 30 hours
- doctoral seminar, 80 hours
- vocational training, minimum 30 hours
Planned schedule of training:
I year = I i II semester: | 2 year= III i IV semester: | 3 year= V i VI semester: | 4 year = VII i VIII semester: |
-general module -interdisciplinary module -soft skills module -doctoral seminar | -specialist module -soft skills module -doctoral seminar | -soft skills module -doctoral seminar | -doctoral seminar |
-Submission of an Indyvidual Research Proposal -Submission of an Aannual report for the I year of education | -Submition the summary of professional accomplishments with with attachments to Mid-term evaluation -Submission of an Aannual report for the II year of education MID-TERM EVALUATION | -Submission of an Aannual report for the III year of education -Submitting a declaration regarding the form of the doctoral dissertation | -Submission of an Aannual report for the IV year of education -Presenting parts of the doctoral dissertation in accordance with the instructional deadlines (KISD Director’s Decree No. 6/2023) SUBMISSION OF A DOCTORAL DISSERTATION |
Participants of the “Implementation doctorate” program, by mid-September of each year of education, additionally submit:
- Description of the doctoral student’s progress in the implementation of the doctorate
- The supervisor’s opinion on the progress in the implementation of the doctorate
- Opinion of the auxiliary tutor on the progress in the implementation of the doctorate
- Documents confirming the dissemination of scientific research and implementation works
Enrollment for classes at KISD
1. The offer of classes at the doctoral school is announced on the school’s website at the latest at the beginning of a given semester of education.
2. Doctoral students are informed about the possibility and method (Doodle) of selecting courses for a given semester. Choosing a class means enrolling in a course. In case of questions, doctoral students can contact both the Secretariat and the lecturers.
3. Enrolling in the classes means that the doctoral student is obliged to attend the course and complete it in accordance with the lecturer’s guidelines.
4. The lecturer determines the rules for completing the course, attendance requirements, and possible admission requirements. The rules for completing the course are set out in the syllabus.
5. In order to complete the course, the doctoral student must meet the requirements specified by the lecturer. Completion of the course is recorded in the doctoral student’s grade book and included in the annual report. The doctoral student is responsible for obtaining a record in his grade book. For doctoral students from outside KISD, upon request, certificates of participation in the course are issued after their completion.
6. The grading system is set out in §41 of the Organizational regulations on education at the Krakow School of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies.
7. Failure to meet the requirements specified by the lecturer means failure to complete the course.
8. A doctoral student who failed the course may retake the course credit only if provided for by the lecturer and on the terms and within the time limits specified by the lecturer.
9. Resignation from the course requires the consent of the lecturer and must be submitted to the KISD Secretariat.
10. Participation in the course as an unenrolled student requires the consent of the teacher. Such consent must be obtained before the start of the classes or, in exceptional circumstances, no later than during the first class. Information on the implementation of the course an unenrolled student is provided by the student to the KISD Secretariat. An unenrolled student :
• does not have to pass the course,
• does not get a grade in his/her grade book and does not show the course in his/her annual report,
• does not receive a certificate of attendance