If you are interested in the possibility of preparing a doctoral dissertation as part of international cooperation, it is worth contacting a selected foreign unit already in the first year of doctoral education and defining the principles of joint education and awarding a doctoral degree.
Proposed path of establishing international cooperation at KISD in the area of doctoral education “Step by step“
Step 1
Anyone who would like to establish international cooperation in the field of doctoral education, should apply to the authorities of a given KISD unit to consider formal cooperation with the foreign unit indicated by them.
When reporting to the authorities of the KISD unit, you should attach an assessment of the potential foreign institution based on the following criteria:
- the need for building scientific, research and educational cooperation on the part of the KISD unit;
- mutual benefits from cooperation for the KISD unit and the foreign institution;
- strategy and policy of the foreign institution compared to the strategy and policy of the KISD unit;
- reputation and quality of education and research of the foreign institution;
- administrative regulations and national legislation in both units and the possibility of reconciling them (e.g. requirements for the appointment of a supervisor, duration of education and possibilities of extending education, form and scope of the doctoral dissertation, form of defense of the diploma thesis, requirements for members of the examination committee, etc. );
- human resources available for administrative support in the KISD unit and the foreign institution.
Step 2
It is advisable to contact the legal advisor of a given KISD unit to discuss the possibility of cooperation.
Step 3
If a foreign institution is accepted as a cooperation partner in the field of doctoral education, a letter of intent or an agreement is signed between the KISD unit and the foreign unit.
Memorandum of understanding – TEMPLATE
Step 4
Representatives of the KISD unit and the foreign institution, in cooperation with legal advisors, prepare an agreement regarding a doctoral program leading to a double/joint doctoral degree. This agreement includes in particular:
- method of implementing cooperation between the Parties in the field of research and teaching;
- exchange of specialist knowledge, know-how, materials;
- degree program structure and duration;
- organization of academic exchange;
- preparation of the thesis and final exams;
- granting of title;
- management of the degree program;
- cost;
- transfer and protection of personal data;
- management of intellectual property rights.
The office of the Krakow School of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies provides KISD units with an agreement template.
What can the template be used for? |
- Cooperative degree programmes can have varying structures. The KISD template has been designed for a Double Doctoral Degree Programme, a cooperative programme based on a “standard” programmes which are already being offered at the Partner Institutions
- The template must always be adapted to fit the individual circumstances of the planned Degree Programme (especially has to be adapted to the scientific discipline), legal requirements of the Partners, organizational structure and allocation of responsibilities, mobility structure, etc.
- The purpose of the template is to serve as a working aid to help account for all the important factors.
- The regulations in the cooperation agreement may not contradict higher-ranking legal framework.
- The Double Doctoral Degree Programme only makes sense if the scientific merits obtained at the Partner Institution can be recognized without any restrictions, in particular in the context of the Double Doctoral Degree Program. Therefore, before starting cooperation, you should take into account the quality of the Partner’s education program and examinations (e.g. standards regarding academic fraud and plagiarism).
- The template is being worked out cooperatively with the partners and their administrative/ legal contacts and it often has to go through multiple reading cycles before it is ready for adaption.
- If a cooperation agreement is to be used as an application for external funding, the requirements of the funding source must be taken into account (e.g. the agreement should be extended accordingly).
Step 5
After acceptance by both institutions, the contract is signed by authorized persons.