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One of the main assumptions of education at KISD is the internationalization of the doctoral school and profiling the scientific careers of doctoral students in such a way as to give them a real opportunity to become independent in the international scientific environment. The doctoral school is focused on working in an international environment, hence most teaching classes are conducted in English, the doctoral school website is bilingual, as well as administrative services and educational documentation for doctoral students.

Internationalization at KISD is implemented on many levels:

Foreigners in KISD

The internationalization of KISD is reflected in the number of foreigners studying at the doctoral school. Number of foreigners in KISD in particular years:

 Percentage of foreigners in KISD
Status as at date 31.12.201913,33%
Status as at date 31.12.202011,48%
Status as at date 31.12.202116,67%
Status as at date 31.12.202218,63%
Status as at date 31.12.202319,44%

Foreign mobility of doctoral students

KISD PhD students participate in international internships, conferences, schools, research group meetings, etc.

Internationalization- related programs implemented at KISD and units co-creating KISD:

  • NAWA PROM – International scholarship exchange of PhD students and academic staff – implemented in selected units of KISD
  • NAWA STER – internationalization of doctoral schools, 2020 edition; The project “Kraków Interdisciplinary Doctoral School for Internationalization, Interdisciplinary and Innovation” implemented in the period 01/01/2021-31/12/2023
  • NAWA STER – internationalization of doctoral schools, 2023 edition; The project “Krakow Interdisciplinary Doctoral School – beyond the horizon through cooperation, internationalization and interdisciplinarity” implemented in the period 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026

International cooperation in the field of doctoral education

Possible forms of international cooperation in the field of doctoral education:

  1. Codirection, Co-supervision
  2. Double Degree
  3. Joint Degree

PhD at KISD as part of international cooperation – more information.

Guidelines for establishing international cooperation at KISD


KISD’s activity in the field of internationalization was appreciated by the doctoral student community. IFJ PAN, together with the Krakow Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, won first place in the “Open to the World” category in the ProDok 2023 Doctoral Environment Competition organized by the National Representation of Doctoral Students. The scope of mobility support and internationalization in the entity running the doctoral school was assessed.