Wykłady realizowane w ramach programu STER- umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich:
- Prof. Trifce Sandev: Anomalous kinetics phenomena: Understanding anomalous diffusion and non-Debye dielectric relaxations
- Prof. Diego Mantovani: Biomaterials, bioengineering and soft skills for scientists
- Prof. Diego Mantovani; B-Soft skills for young scientists, or how to Google the word “experience”? Focused workshop demystifying how to survive in the jungle of the competitive research
- Prof. Sudipta Seal: A. Engineering ceria as nanozyme: Implication in pandemic mitigation; B. Exploiting Oxygen Defects in lanthanides for biomedical intervention
- Prof. Pavel Korzhavy: A. Atomistic modeling of thermodynamic properties; B. Atomistic modeling of defects and disorder in metals; C. Atomic and electronic structure of vacancies in transition metal carbides